(set: $light to false)
(set: $not to false)
Chaz Invited You To A Party
Do You Say Yes?
[[No->No]]You Go to his house
[[I Dont want to->Start]]
[[We Goin'->house]]
oh no
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/9roRad8.png">
he came to your house and penguinapped you
[[ok->house]]this is his house
its small
(if: $light is true)
[[something new->new room]]
(set: $light to true)
you turned on a light switch that did nothing
[[Back->house]]theres lard
only lard
the smell
its horrible
[[Back->house]]the police show up
for no reson
exept they were invited
[[Back->house]]chaz is'nt here
like last time
[[ok->hearing]]you pass out over the stench
[[Back to Start->Start]][[Back->popo]]
(if: $not is true)
[theres not nothing anymore
}you hear footsteps behignd you
[[Keep Going->farther]]oh no
he's here
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/9roRad8.png">
[[cool->house]]you keep going
[[and going->going]]
[[new thing->another switch]]and going
[[and going->going]](set: $not to true)
you turn on another switch
that did something
[[Back->house]]these are not the police
these are cretures from [Peep]
i cant say [Peep]?
well who cares?
(set: $not to false)
find it again
[[Back->going2]]you kill them
[[Back to Start->Start]]You Go
[[and go->stop]]ok...